Better decisions through world class system integration

Sinetiq is the enabler for companies striving for long-term agile integration environments. By liberating data, we reduce the time and costs of changes by an order of magnitude.

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Sinetiq is a trusted partner for your digitalization journey

Digitalization affects all parts of society, not least the way companies and industries operate. It is about making better decisions and increasing profitability and efficiency. However, the systems being used can become complex.

Today, we use our expertise to help national and international companies lower costs and save time by taking control over and managing that complexity. We also work closely with academia and are a key partner to the Arrowhead fPVN project.

About us

We provide your business with controlled flexibility

We provide businesses with strategic and operational advantages to ensure longevity, efficient resource utilization, and reliability in an evolving digital landscape.

By fostering a culture of controlled flexibility, organizations can navigate and adapt to dynamic market conditions, enhance innovation, and drive development forward.


Sinetiq Framework

Sinetiq Framework consists of Sinetiq Strategic Integration Concepts and Sinetiq Core Software, which helps you with complex integrations and ensures controlled flexibility in an ever-changing IT environment.

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Sinetiq Core Sandbox

Sinetiq Sandbox is provided to you as a cloud service instance, hosted by Sinetiq, to be used for evaluation, development, testing, training, and more.

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Integration Agility Assessment (IAA)

IAA is a status control analyzing how service-oriented the current architecture is and what improvements should be considered.

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Extensible Test Tool (xTT)

xTT supports testing personnel in many testing situations, ranging from component testing to advanced scenario testing, with a component-based approach.

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System architecture

Introduction and development of service-oriented architecture and development process in a component-based system or specific product. For companies that are considering starting with micro-services or service-oriented development.

System-of-systems integration

System-of-systems integration (component-based systems) for companies that are in the process of developing a service-oriented system.

Integration of monolith systems

For companies that are in the process of digitizing their business by integrating systems from different suppliers and need support to make everything work.

Sinetiq Framework implementation

Implementation expertise and customized functionality based on the Sinetiq Framework and Eclipse Arrowhead Framework (open source). For companies that want a complete service-oriented architecture product core including adaptation and support from Sinetiq.

System validation

Testing, verification, and validating customers’ systems-of-systems. For companies needing reliable and repeatable compliance for their product or system.

Support and maintenance

For all companies that need to maintain working system integrations for their business or that want to stay in control in a system-of-system environment.

We are committed to creating a diverse workplace

Sinetiq consists of a mix of tech specialists and creative minds driven to push innovation forward, and we firmly believe that it starts with diversity in people, ideas, and experiences.

Here, you will work with and learn from some of the most brilliant people in the industry, as well as help our customers future-proof their digital environments with service-oriented architecture and component-based solutions.

Latest news

Welcome to Sinetiq, Gábor Czigléczky!


Summarizing 2024 at Sinetiq – Setting the foundation and pushing innovation forward


David Rutqvist appointed as Sinetiq’s new CTO
