Meet Jim Malmquist – the latest addition to the Sinetiq team

It is finally time to introduce you to Jim Malmquist – a family man, dog owner, home cook, and, of course, our new system integrator. He will join our Stockholm office, working on seamless integrations to solve complex customer challenges.

Jim is well-experienced in system development, to say the least. He started his career just before the turn of the millennium. Since then, he has worked in various industries, from traveling to finance and insurance, mastering the Microsoft product portfolio. And we’re not talking Office 365.

– I’ve primarily worked with the Microsoft technology stack as a backend system developer—for instance, database management, programming languages, APIs, and various Microsoft applications. I would say that I have vast knowledge and experience, as I have worked both in-house as a developer and as a consultant on the outside looking in. This gives me a unique perspective on customer needs, challenges, and possibilities going forward, says Jim.

As a system integrator at Sinetiq’s Stockholm office, Jim will be helping customers see the bigger picture regarding their systems and the dependencies between them. Also, deep-diving into the most intricate parts of their digital infrastructure to make business-improving integrations.

– I want to contribute with my experience working with integrations at big companies in the traveling, banking, and insurance sectors, combining it with Sinetiq’s approach regarding system integrations. I’m confident that we are a great match, and I look forward to getting to know everybody and working on both customer and internal projects.

It was not only the way Sinetiq works that attracted Jim; the company culture also played an essential part in his decision.

– Sinetiq is a very agile organization with a warm and friendly atmosphere. People care about each other and are willing to help and share knowledge, which is probably most notable since we dedicate time to co-developing our products and offerings.

Besides work, Jim likes to spend time with his family, including the miniature pinscher Baloo and training HIIT, gym and cardio for 1 hour a day. He also likes to cook together with family and friends.

– I prefer cooking food that takes hours, preferably from the Italian or French kitchen, such as boeuf bourguignon. It’s almost meditative and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with. Slow and simple, it is pretty much the opposite of what I do for a living.


Get to know us further

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