Sinetiq offers world class system integration

Sinetiq is a new IT-company focusing on system integration and service-oriented architecture including development of products in these fields. The head office will be in Luleå, Sweden and the company already have several clients on the Swedish market and will also offer its services and product components internationally.

Sinetiq is a new IT-company focusing on system integration and service-oriented architecture including development of products in these fields. The head office will be in Luleå, Sweden and the company already have several clients on the Swedish market and will also offer its services and product components internationally.

The need for different IT-systems to communicate with each other is constantly increasing. This is also changing the way that new systems and products are developed. We offer our expertise and product components to both large industrial corporations and smaller businesses that have a need for several IT systems to be able to talk to each other and that is where Sinetiq have world class experience and knowledge.

Per Olofsson and Fredrik Blomstedt from BnearIT will run Sinetiq together with Karl-Johan Gramner who most recently comes from Mobilaris and Xolaris. Per and Fredrik have over 17 years of practical experience and are experts in system integration and service-oriented architecture. Karl-Johan has an extensive background in IT and international business with both private and public companies and will take on the role of CEO and head of sales from June 1st. All three are partners are shareholders in the company together with BnearIT.

The founders behind Sinetiq also have extensive experience of the service-oriented Eclipse Arrowhead architecture that has been developed within several EU project together with Luleå University of Technology and over 100 other participating companies and organizations from 19 countries. Product components and services in this area will a be part of the company’s offering.

– It is an exciting journey we are embarking on, and the market potential is huge as essentially all businesses and industries in both the private and public sectors face the same types of challenges. We have wanted to take this step for a long time and now we can finally put all our focus on system integration and service-oriented architecture, Per and Fredrik says. An important piece of the puzzle for this venture is that we have attracted Karl-Johan to the company. He has extensive experience and can lead us from a local to the global market, they continue.

– Per and Fredrik’s competence and experience in this field is unique even in a global perspective. This makes the upcoming journey very exciting with unimaginable possibilities, says Karl-Johan Gramner. The need to get existing and new systems to talk to each other will be enormous in the coming years. With our knowledge and experience, we will have a strong position in the market, he concludes.


Get to know us further

Welcome to Sinetiq, Gábor Czigléczky!


Summarizing 2024 at Sinetiq – Setting the foundation and pushing innovation forward


David Rutqvist appointed as Sinetiq’s new CTO
