The 2025 edition of Sinetiq is starting to take shape. Now, we would like to introduce you to the first recruitment of the year: Gábor Czigléczky. He will join our Stockholm office as a System Integrator.
Gábor, originally from Hungary, moved to Sweden in 2023 after visiting a friend in Stockholm during the summers. He liked the way of living and saw an opportunity to further his career as a software engineer. Now, two years later, he is taking on the role of Sinetiq’s new System Integrator.
– I saw a Sinetiq ad for software developers who wanted to take the next career step and become an integrator. I started reading more about the company and was almost immediately hooked by its offerings and culture, says Gábor.
Although 2025 is only his second year in Sweden, Gábor is no rookie when it comes to IT and tech. He has over five years of experience in software development and has spent a decade teaching subjects such as databases and network studies. He holds a Master’s in IT teaching and a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Programming.
– I have always been interested in technology and how it works, from the analog watch on your wrist to computers and whole system infrastructures. I also like to be on stage, so the combination of the two naturally led me to become an IT teacher.
At Sinetiq, Gábor wants to advance his skillset and delve deeper into the principles of service-oriented architecture. He also looks forward to contributing to product development and using his teaching skills at the Parus Integration Excellence Center.
– There is so much expertise at Sinetiq, which makes for an inspiring environment. I would also like to share my knowledge and experience, preferably at one of our seminars. Actually, I already know the subject I want to discuss: development methodology and the pros and cons of using AI.
Standing on a stage in front of a crowd is not new to Gábor. In addition to teaching, he is very interested in acting. He has tried English improv theatre at Stockholms Improvisationsteater and is currently taking acting classes at Folkuniversitetet.
– I’m really big on films and series, especially those with a psychological edge, like The Mentalist or The Good Doctor. But I must say that Nolan’s The Dark Knight is my all-time favorite, and Heath Ledger’s acting is top-tier.